America’s recent surge in antisemitism is particularly alarming on account of its sheer volume, which is quantifiable in disturbing statistics. Since October 7th, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has recorded a staggering 3,291 total incidents directed against Jews. This includes 1,347 cases of harassment, 554 acts of vandalism, 56 assaults, and 1,307 rallies featuring antisemitic elements. This represents an astonishing 360% increase in U.S. Antisemitic incidents post-October 7th, painting a bleak picture of the growing hostility faced by Jewish communities.
The source of antisemitic threats has evolved over time. The traditional focus on right-wing extremism has now expanded to include significant contributions from extreme left-wing ideologies intersecting with fundamentalist Islamic views. This evolution in the sources of antisemitism presents a multifaceted challenge, making it more complex to understand and combat.
A notable instance highlighting this shift in antisemitism can be seen in academia. The recent controversy involving the president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, is particularly telling. Gay resigned not because of her alleged antisemitic views but due to plagiarism. This incident raises serious questions about the institutional response to antisemitism. The fact that academic indiscretions like plagiarism are dealt with more severely than expressions of antisemitism suggests a troubling tolerance or indifference to such prejudices within academic circles. It underscores the need for a more robust institutional stance against all forms of hate, including antisemitism.
The shifting attitudes of younger Americans towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are a significant factor in understanding the changing landscape of antisemitism. According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, there is a notable divergence in the views of different age groups. Only 20% of respondents under 40 supported backing Israel, compared to 53% of older respondents. Moreover, 40% of respondents under age 40 favored the U.S. being a neutral mediator in the conflict, double the percentage of older respondents who felt the same. This data reveals a trend in which younger Americans, despite being aware of Hamas' attacks on Israeli civilians, still show a tendency to support the terrorist organization or at least refrain from blaming it entirely for the conflict. This attitude could be interpreted as indifference or even an acceptance of violence against Jews, which is a worrying indication of rising antisemitic sentiments among younger generations.
Considering demographic trends in the US, it is not difficult to envision a future in which political figures like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would hold the highest offices in America and use those offices to radically alter the direction of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. This is no exaggeration, considering the Harvard/Harris study results published after October 7th. In response to the question, 'Do you think that Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors or is that a false ideology?' only 9% of respondents from President Biden's generation agreed with the statement. On the other hand, 36% of respondents from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's generation agreed, while a whopping 67% of Generation Z respondents agreed with this overtly antisemitic claim. It is, therefore, easy to envision how a new generation of progressive leadership may lead to a more critical stance toward Israel and a more sympathetic approach toward Palestinian causes. This hypothetical scenario could have far-reaching implications for the dynamics of the Middle East, U.S. international relations, and the global perception and treatment of Jewish communities.
It would be overly optimistic to assume that American Jews’ civil rights are safe. Abuses that seem to be things of the past, including hiring discrimination and limits on Jewish admissions to elite universities, have made a comeback. According to Resume Builder Poll, 26% of hiring managers say “they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants; top reason for negative bias is belief Jews have too much power and control.” The percentage of Jewish students at elite universities has dropped by as much as half in recent years. Legal protections may not be enough to protect against these sorts of abuses. After the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on affirmative action, for instance, universities began to explore ways to circumvent the decision. In a country that has seen illegal, discriminatory practices as severe as Jim Crow, it should be clear that legal systems can fail to safeguard minority rights. Jewish communities are more vulnerable than we might believe, especially in times of societal and political stress, when public sentiment may overpower the law.
American Jews face several options in responding to the challenge of a resurgent antisemitism. The first is to join the victim narrative, attempting to align with other marginalized groups. However, as the slogan "Queer for Palestine" demonstrates, Jews must recognize that they may not find a shared space in this tiring victimhood game. A second option is to try to erase their identity, assimilating as quickly as possible in hopes of becoming indistinguishable. But in a world of accessible data and endless historical memory on social networks, their identity will likely always be uncovered. A third option is relocation to Israel, while a fourth is to fight for the soul of the American political system. One option they do not have is to bury their heads in the sand, pretending "it won't happen to us."
Hi Ronen - I very much appreciate this article as it is a concise description of the terrifying antisemitic trends in the US. Making this reality visible to the masses is so vital so we can co-create a strategic and comprehensive response to this reality. I also was moved by your last paragraph as I see many of my Jewish peers not clear on the options that they have and the consequences of each option. I don't believe we fully understand the history of what happens when we bury our heads in the sand, or chose other paths that try to deflect the hate while our actions unknowingly creating the conditions for this hate to rise exponentially. I would love to see an article teasing out this last paragraph as a tool to use to start conversations with young Jewish people. Thank you Ronen.