Beginnings, like this fledgling blog, are indeed filled with anticipation and uncertainty. As I sit here, both excited and a little daunted, my thoughts whirl with possibilities. Is there room in our hectic conversation for a new, different voice?
Two years ago, I was invited to join as a scholar and lecturer in politics at Princeton University; my journey led me to the East Coast, and I found myself like Alexis de Tocqueville, exploring America with wide eyes, observing a familiar yet distressed society.
The morning of October 7th changed it all. From the point of view of observation and philosophical reflection, I left everything and ran into the battlefield to help my people. My experiences—as a soldier, commander, and combatant in Israel—have further layered my understanding of the human condition. What are we? What can we know? And how can we bequeath a better future to the next generation? This aspiration fuels my personal journey and, ultimately, this blog.
This blog is a bridge between my thoughts and yours, a nexus of philosophy, political thought, sociology, and religion. It's for those who ponder the big questions, seek to delve into the order behind the chaos of our times, and are unafraid to challenge perspectives. Here, we'll navigate the interconnectedness of these fields, asking tough questions and seeking profound explanations beneath the surface noise.
My basic assumption is that one cannot truly understand the present, let alone shape the future, without acknowledging the past. I share Burke's assertion that "Society is a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born." We stand on the shoulders of giants, inheriting both opportunities and challenges.
This blog won't offer quick fixes or shallow answers. I will look at the entire glass, not just at its half-full or half-empty aspect. Sometimes, the conclusions may not be pleasant. I would be delighted if you would join this journey and support it by spreading the ideas further.